Task Management

There is a lot to remember. Be reminded.

Scheduled care tasks, medication and general reminders are all important elements of patient care.
The BeSecure system allows scheduled tasks to be created for each patient. These are treated in the same manner as patient requests.


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Call & Response



General Care Reminders


General reminders can be set individually for each patient on a specific day of the week and time of the day. Individual care for all patients.


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Individual reminders for each patient with medication details in the description .



An important part of patient rehabilitation. Now you can individualise the recovery plan for each patient.

Control. Because you care.

To give the best care you need the best system.



All tasks are shown on the Care Center consoles making it easy for staff to acknowledge and respond to the task as it becomes due.

Mobile Notification


Receive notifications on your mobile phone of pending or due tasks.



All tasks and reminders are logged with the respective Care Worker and comments for historical review,

Report back to loved ones

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Quickly and easily respond to queries from loved ones with all the Care Center activities around your patient.